Distribute Your Content Like a Pro

Nina Kozłowska
5 min readNov 28, 2018


Content is a King in today’s marketing world. No wonder — survey shows it delivers 3 times more leads and costs 62% less compared to traditional marketing. Nevertheless, it would be useless without proper distribution, which is a queen in this arrangement. Content must be targeted to the most accurate audience. Probably all of you know about the main methods of sharing blog posts, videos and others. Let us introduce you a few uncommon ideas, which can boost your content marketing.

Web push notifications

An alternative to e-mail campaigns. Among its advantages, we should list a few aspects. First of all subscription to it is hassle-free. Internet users are tired of filling up the forms and giving their e-mail address — they don’t need more spam. The only thing when it comes to web push notification subscription is one click which allows sending notifications to a given recipient.

How does it work? Probably you’re familiar with it, but let’s clarify. Subscribers receive notifications (small clickable message) whenever they use a browser (not necessarily your website). There are many tools on the market which offer notification creators and mechanism for gathering client’s data and sending automatic campaigns. One of them is PushPushGo. It’s Adblock-proof, cookies-free and works both on desktop and mobile. The system follows visitors’ behaviours on your website. If you have an online store, notifications can remind about abandon carts, discounts and so on.

How to use web push notifications for content marketing? Based on what customers are looking for on your website you can divide them into groups and design automated campaigns. You can target specific content to an audience potentially interested in it. This relatively new solution delivers personalized user experience, and it’s not fully exploited yet.

Warning: make sure that the tool you want to use for web push notifications is GDPR ready, as the system gathers a lot of data about website’s visitors.

Instagram bio

This platform gives a lot of possibilities: posts, stories, live video. Nonetheless, it’s not really links-friendly. In your posts, links are not active, and in stories, you can only add links if you have more than 10K followers. It seems like we’re stuck with using the phrase „link in a bio” over and over again. Well, yes, but there’s a completely new approach to it! Thanks to the tool called Tap Bio you can create a mini website filled with images, text and CTA buttons. Basically, by clicking a link in your bio, an Instagram user will be redirected to a place with many other clickable links. Customise it every time the new blog post arrives and inform about it in your posts and stories. Let the link revolution begin!


And how to measure the effectiveness of this activity? Thanks to Sotrender you can track and analyse clicks on the link in your brand’s bio. If you take a closer look at the data over the time, you’ll see which content and way of its promotion (i.e. what kind of stories) was the most attractive for your audience.

Profile clicks at Sotrender


Chatbots supported by artificial intelligence can be extremely useful when it comes to customer service. This solution is fast and personalised thanks to automation. Instant answer is something that today’s client is expecting. Additionally, you can share content which is relevant to the questions, i.e. the article about a particular feature of your tool and how to make the most of it. But that’s not the only application of this technology.

You can use it as a newsletter platform. Instead of via e-mail reach your customers on a messenger. Moreover, it gives another possibility — to send customised content based on customers localisation. It can revolutionise tourism marketing.

A new and still exciting option is a message which is a response to a comment (comment-to-messenger feature). In a Facebook post encourage your audience to leave a comment and promise valuable content in exchange. It’s also a great way to boost this post organically and increase your reach.


The most popular tool for chatbots is Chatfuel, but you’ll find many more on the market, including basic free features.

Non-mainstream social networks

The internet does not end on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest. There are many other social media that you can use in content distribution. Find the places that your audience visit. Facebook is the most popular social network but that doesn’t mean that your target group is there. Think about your audience’s interests and choose the best platform, where you can exploit your niche.

Quora — a Q&A platform. High-quality discussions characterise it. There are a lot of rules, and if you break it, you’ll get banned, or at least your answer won’t be published to prevent intrusive marketing. Look up for questions related to your blog posts or videos, answer with a short explanation and invite Quora users to find out more by giving the link to the whole material.

Reddit — for people interested in new technologies, probably with higher education and good job. At the beginning just like and comment other posts to get familiar with the portal. Then start posting on your own, but still react on other posts to get closer with a community.

Medium — many blogs in the one place. Users uploads their article to share knowledge. Content is grouped into thematic streams like tech, culture, startups, self, politics, design, health and more. You don’t even need to copy your article, just put it’s URL so the platform will take it from the website — of course, you can edit it, i.e. if you only want to share a part of an article and attract users to enter your blog for more.

Hacker News — a platform for developers. Short message and link. That’s all they need to be up-to-date with the latest news in their field.

Flipboard — an app which works like a newspaper. Its users upload links to external pages, so you can get all the news in one place and personalise your feed with your interests. Content that you share here also has to be valuable, and it can be delivered to your audience by creating a magazine and gather your articles. The latest version of Flipboard gives intelligent magazines which are tailored for the particular users.



In all social media, especially those listed before, the main point is to give value to the audience. Internet users kind of got use to ads on Facebook and other giants, but on other platforms users immensely value the quality of posts and news. Before you start acting on those specific platforms — learn the rules and follow them. Build up your audience trust to achieve success in the long run.

To get through marketing clutter, you have to think outside the box not only regarding content ideas but equally when it comes to content delivery. Try out solutions presented in this article, analyse, optimise and find the most effective for your brand.

Originally published at www.sotrender.com on November 28, 2018.



Nina Kozłowska
Nina Kozłowska

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